Download Freesm Launcher for OS

Freesm Launcher is a custom launcher for Minecraft that allows you to play with offline account without any restrictions.

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Grass svg icon

EaglerCraft 1.5.2

Minecraft 1.5.2, total played for 0s

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Open Source

Freesm Launcher is an open source fork of Prism Launcher. All launcher code is available under the GPL-3.0 license.


Easily play Minecraft without any restrictions, even if you don't have an online account.


Freesm Launcher has incredible speed and takes up only 30 megabytes of RAM thanks to Qt toolkit.


Freesm Launcher has its own theme with catppuccin colors and Microsoft Fluent icons. In addition, the launcher also allows you to customize the menu, supports custom themes and backgrounds (even gifs).

Freesm Launcher logo

Another way to play Minecraft for free.